Student David Lammers talks audio design in game 'Sounds of Shadows'

Student David Lammers talks audio design in game 'Sounds of Shadows'

10/17/2024 - 13:12

David Lammers, a third-year Design & Production student at Breda University of Applied Sciences, recently worked on the horror game ‘Sounds of Shadows,’ which was nominated for the Dutch Game Awards. We caught up with David to discuss the process behind the game, his role as the main audio designer, and his experiences at the Dutch Game Awards.
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Tell us about the game you and your team made  

David: ‘“Sounds of Shadows” is an echolocation-based stealth horror game built around a simple yet innovative concept. Players navigate the environment through echolocation. If there is no sound, the screen goes black. The game involves making noise to find your way while avoiding a lurking monster that is hunting you down. As players move or throw objects, they generate sound, creating a tense atmosphere.’   

‘The game consists of three levels. The first level is designed to familiarise players with the mechanics. In the second level, the difficulty increases, providing a deeper narrative experience. The final level is the most challenging, revealing the backstory of the monster and its motives for attacking the player.’  

What was your role in the development of the game? 

David: ‘I served as the main audio designer. My responsibility was to create all the sounds for both the player and the monster. Although it is not typical for a Design and Production student to take on this role. I found it fascinating and taught myself the necessary skills. I even shared what I learned with a teammate to divide the workload. We utilised public resources available online for some sound assets.’ 

‘Our team was quite large, with around 23 members, which sometimes made collaboration challenging, especially with only eight weeks to develop the game. We had to regularly check in with programmers, visual artists, and other designers to ensure everything aligned.’  

What did the process look like? 

David: ‘The process was divided into two main phases: the first eight weeks focused on conceptualisation, and the latter eight weeks were dedicated to development. I was only involved in the development phase, and I began by determining which audio technologies to use and testing their effectiveness. Regular discussions helped us refine how the sound should complement the gameplay experience. As we progressed, we created initial versions of the game and incorporated feedback until we reached a final product. The reactions to the game have been mixed. Horror is subjective, after all. Some players found it genuinely terrifying, while others did not.’ 

Can you elaborate on the design philosophy behind the game? 

David: ‘Our design philosophy emphasised that while sound was crucial to the game, it was never the primary focus. Instead, we aimed to enhance existing elements of the game. If an animation is already frightening, we can make it even scarier with sound. Throughout the design process, I engaged with my team to ensure the audio contributed meaningfully to the overall atmosphere.’ 

How did you experience the Dutch Game Awards? 

David: ‘We submitted “Sounds of Shadows” for the Dutch Game Awards. I attended the event, although not everyone from our team could make it. The day was enjoyable, starting with Dutch Game Day, which featured numerous talks on various industry topics, followed by the awards ceremony. Unfortunately, we didn't win, but it was still an excellent opportunity to network and connect with professionals.’  

What’s next for you? 

David: ‘As the primary audio designer for this project, I realised how much I enjoy working with game audio. I plan to pursue this path further, as I have learned a lot about sound design. For instance, when creating sounds for the monster, I had to invent everything from scratch. I used my own voice, along with a teammate’s, layering effects to achieve a frightening result. This experience taught me how to think critically about sound design.’ 

Where can people find the game? 

David: ‘Right now, you can find "Sounds of Shadows” on Stay tuned for announcements regarding the new release of our game on Steam.’