Seb van den Beemt's journey in the H20 SIDEFX LABS Tech Art Challenge

Seb van den Beemt's journey in the H20 SIDEFX LABS Tech Art Challenge

04/24/2024 - 10:27

Recently, third-year Visual Arts student Seb van den Beemt participated in the H20 SIDEFX LABS Tech Art Challenge, where his project earned him an honourable mention. In this interview, Seb takes us behind the scenes of his journey.
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Could you tell us more about the H20 SIDEFX LABS Tech Art Challenge? 

Seb: ‘The H20 SIDEFX LABS Tech Art Challenge was an exciting opportunity that came my way during a school project in block B. SideFX introduced a new version of Houdini, and I decided to participate in the challenge using my individual school project. The task was to create something related to games using Houdini. I crafted a realistic castle wall in ruins.'  

‘This challenge was open to everyone, giving me great networking opportunities. I submitted my entry after seeing it online and being encouraged by one of my lecturers, Zoran Arizanovic. In the end, I was happy to receive an honourable mention!’ 

What motivated you to participate in this challenge? 

Seb: ‘Networking and portfolio building were my primary motivations for participating in the challenge. It was gratifying to be able to use a school project for such an opportunity.’ 

You recently showcased your work at the EPC student showcase. How was that experience? 

Seb: ‘Presenting my project at the Everything Procedural Conference student showcase was a fantastic experience. I had the chance to demonstrate my project and showcase its behind-the-scenes development. Overall, the feedback was positive. However, some suggestions for improvement were noted, such as enhancing the realism of certain elements like bricks and refining the overall structure.’ 

What are your future plans in the field of procedural art? 

Seb: ‘Procedural art has been a focus of mine since my second year, but I aim to explore other areas such as scripting. While procedural art is popular in the games industry, I also find the other roles of a tech artist interesting. However, my primary interest lies in procedural art. For next year, I aim to find a work placement.’ 


To explore more of Seb's work, visit his LinkedIn profile and ArtStation profile.