Alumni in the spotlight: Sule Nur Karaaslan

Alumni in the spotlight: Sule Nur Karaaslan

05/21/2024 - 13:33

Graduating from Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas) in 2022, Sule Nur Karaaslan's journey from student to game design professional is impressive. Discover more about her story in this interview.
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How did you end up at the games programme at BUas?

Sule: 'After finishing secondary school, I went straight into higher education, to study chemistry. But it didn't feel right for me. Then, one day, I stumbled upon game development and realised it's a real career option. I found BUas and its game design programme, which seemed perfect for me. Originally from Belgium, I had considered Howest, but they didn't offer the design track from year one I was interested in. I was drawn to game design because I enjoy working with others to create enjoyable experiences for players.'

Could you tell us about your most memorable project in the study programme?

Sule: ‘One of the most impactful experiences during my time at BUas was our very first game project, which involved collaboration across various disciplines, at the end of the first year. Prior to this, we had primarily worked within our designated design groups. Despite facing challenges and feeling stressed at times, seeing our combined efforts turn into a real game was incredibly satisfying.’

What stands out from your time at BUas?

Sule: ‘Transitioning from feeling like an outcast in secondary school to finding a sense of belonging at BUas was a great moment for me. The camaraderie among fellow students, who shared a similar passion for the game industry, made it feel like coming home. Moreover, the supportive and talented individuals within the games industry further enriched my experience, leaving me with a profound sense of gratitude.’

What are you doing now?

Sule: ‘I was determined to gain industry experience, so I got an internship at Vertigo Games in Amsterdam. It's where I discovered my interest in virtual reality (VR) and explored its potential. Starting as a game designer, I transitioned into level design. Fast forward two years, and I'm still with Vertigo Games, actively contributing as a level designer. Each day brings new learning opportunities, and I'm grateful for the chance to collaborate with incredibly talented colleagues.’

What are your future plans?

Sule: ‘Currently immersed in the development of "Metro Awakening VR" at Vertigo Games, I look forward to the exciting projects that lie ahead. While I am certain of my role as a level designer, I am open to the twists and turns that fate may have in store for me. I aim to go to more industry events to meet the fantastic people who shape the industry.’